Franklin Alves
Exporting Event Attendee Lists
Tracking event attendance provides valuable insight on engagement and involvement. In addition to the data provided through our analytics page, event attendance can be exported into a convenient s...
Update to Form Response Approvals via Email and FAQ's
All form response approval notifications will have a new look. We’ve simplified this message to make it easy for approvers to quickly find the required action. New Form Response Approval Em...
Implementation Schedule
Implementation Schedule The implementation schedule relies heavily on receiving assets and deliverables from your institution in a timely manner - the quicker we receive them, the quicker we can g...
Navigating Opportunities On The Student Portal
Take a tour of Experiences, Points, Service Hours, and Skills on the Student Portal Students can easily find out more information about co-curricular opportunities on your campus, just by clicki...
Redeeming Points
Administrator's Guide To Redeeming Points On A Person's Account The time has come to cash in those hard earned points! Your students have been involved, they've attended campus events, and ...
What size should my cover image be?
The recommended dimensions for event and organization cover images are 960x375 pixels. Uploaded images that are larger than this size may appear zoomed in.
Track Attendees Using Zoom
Technology has changed the landscape of education. We now have more choices than ever for virtual engagement, involvement, and collaboration! We’ve partnered with Zoom to make sure you can capture...
Forms Management Training
Welcome to your Forms Management Training! In this training, you'll learn the information you need to know in order to manage forms for your campus confidently. We'll cover a variety of topics inc...
Granting & Removing Admin Access
Do you need to give admin access to a member of your organization? Need to remove admin access from a user? Here's how! Before starting the process below, please note that you will need to h...
Analytics Overview
Presence feeds real time analytics from events immediately after check-ins occur, and seamlessly integrates them into an easily understood format using charts and graphs. To access th...