Embedding Images and Video into Forms

Maybe you have the perfect video or image to add to your organization's page or a helpful instructional video for users to view as they fill out another campus form.


Wherever the rich-text field is, you can embed images and video into it to make it even more eye catching, add more information, or generate more interest on your campus!


Embed an Image

First, click into the white box of the text field. Then, select the Image icon on the toolbar.


Options on a rich text field.

This will open up a dialog box that prompts you to provide a link to the image.


Dialog box prompting user to enter a URL for the image being used.

The image will need to be hosted externally, like on Facebook, Flickr, Imgbb, or Google Photos so that there is a unique link for the image. You will not be able to use an image that is stored locally on your device. You'll need to upload your image to the internet so you're able to get a URL for that image.


Depending on the image-hosting service, it might provide an "embedded image link" or other direct link to the image that you want to use. Many images on the Internet will allow you to right click and then "Copy Image Address".


Right click on an image to get the image's URL

You can then paste this direct link into the dialog box on the form and a preview of your image should appear inside of the rich-text field.


Clicking on the image to select it will open up a few options below the image to resize or align as needed.


Images can be resized, centered, or justified by clicking on the image.

Alternatively, you can drag the corner of the image to resize as desired. You can also "Reset" the image back to its original size, if needed.


And that's it! Save or submit the form for approval and the image should appear as part of the content field. This can add a lot of interest to an "About" field on an organization or event registration form, but you can embed an image in any form with a rich text field!


Embed a Video

Embedding a video into your form also just takes a few steps and adds some eye catching content to any form!


Click into the rich-text field where you would like to add your video and then select the play button.


Click the Play button to embed a video.

Then, a dialog box should pop up for a link to the YouTube video that you would like to include in the form.


Dialog box prompting user to enter Youtube link to their video.

You can find this link by clicking on the "Share" button underneath the YouTube video that you would like to embed:


Clicking Share button on YouTube videos will allow you to copy the URL for that video.

You can then copy the link that pops up. You can also copy the URL at the top of the page when you're viewing the video on YouTube.

Copy the link to your video.

Paste the link for the YouTube video into the field and then a preview image of your video should display in the content field.


A preview of the embedded video will appear in the rich text field.

As with embedding an image, you can resize and align the video by clicking on it inside of the rich-text field and selecting different options or dragging the corner to resize manually.

Click on the video to access resizing and justification options.

And that's it! Now you can enjoy your new eye-catching form response with either images or video!


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