The Student Portal contains a wealth of information that can be shared with your community! Here's how you can edit the information on this page! Please note, only those with Campus Administrator access will be able to make changes to the Student Portal. If you do not see the options outlined below, please reach out to your Campus Administrator for assistance.
Hover over the left navigation menu and select "Settings". This will pull up a secondary menu; from this secondary menu, click on Student Portal:
Once Student Portal is selected, there will be an image of the Student Portal on the screen. Click on the pencil icon in the upper right corner to access the editing screen for the Portal:
An editing menu will generate on the right side of the screen, allowing you to change any of the information shown on the Student Portal. Please use caution when editing! Any changes made and saved will take effect immediately and overwrite the current settings.
After you've made all the additions and changes necessary, scroll to the bottom of the editing menu and click the green "Save & Publish" button in order for your changes to take effect! The changes will be visible on the Student Portal immediately!
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