Best Practices for the Zoom Attendee Tracking Integration

Meeting Settings

All Zoom meetings should utilize a Unique Meeting ID. This can be selected when scheduling the meeting in Zoom:

Meeting ID setting while creating a Zoom meeting showing the Generate Automatically option selected.

Your Zoom meeting must also require authentication in order to track attendees accurately:

Meeting Options setting while creating a zoom meeting, showing the Only authenticated users can join option selected

Note: Your campus may use SSO with Zoom and attendees will use their campus login credentials to access your meeting.


Your Zoom meeting should not be recurring. Each event in Involve requires a unique Zoom meeting link in order to accurately track attendees.


The remainder of the settings can be customized to meet the needs of your event!


Event Registration


We recommend adding conditional logic to your Event Registration location field to give some details about the Zoom integration to users creating events and students attending events.


You can do that by creating a content field, then using conditional logic to only show it when the location field contains the word Zoom:

Conditional logic in Presence showing Show if All of the following match. Target: Field, Field: Time & Location - Location, Operators: Contains, Location Value: zoom

Here's some text for you to include in the content field while someone is registering an event (select the Hide on Student Portal option for this field):

Zoom Integration: Attendees to your Zoom meeting will be automatically imported to this Presence event when your Zoom meeting ends. To ensure all attendees are imported successfully, please make sure that your Zoom meeting has the following settings:

-Unique Meeting ID (do not use your Personal Meeting ID [PMI]). You can get this by selecting "Generate Automatically" in your Meeting ID settings
-Not a recurring meeting
-Only authenticated users can join

The location field of your event in Involve should only contain the Zoom link.

Encourage all of your attendees to make sure they use their campus email address to log into Zoom.

Here's some text for you to include in another content field to display on the student portal:

When joining this event, please make sure to sign into Zoom using your campus .edu email address!
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