It’s now easier than ever to share your involvement record with others! The SmartTranscript feature enables you to download a complete history of your participation in co-curricular opportunities while on campus.
Navigating to your SmartTranscript
To share or download your SmartTranscript, first login to your Involve account from the student portal homepage. Once you’re logged in, click the drop down arrow next to your profile image in the upper right corner of the screen. Then, click profile.
This will bring you to your profile, where you will see a complete timeline of your achievements and involvements. You’ll find the share button at the far right end of the navigation menu.
When you click “Share,” you will go to the SmartTranscript sharing page.
On this page you will be able to download a PDF copy of your SmartTranscript and control how it can be shared.
Sharing your SmartTranscript
By default, the Sharing setting is disabled. If you choose to enable the Sharing feature, then the system will generate a unique link to your profile that you can share. The recipient will then be able to interact with your Smart Transcript online. To enable Sharing, simply click the "Shareable" toggle in the top right corner.
Keep in mind that some campus administrators will also have the ability to download your SmartTranscript. If you have Sharing enabled, a QR code and link to your profile will be included on the SmartTranscript that campus administrators download.
You also have the ability to generate a new link to your profile at any time. This will make all previously existing links to your profile inactive. To generate a new link, simply click the “Regenerate Link” button.
When you click this button, a confirmation page will appear.
Once you hit confirm, the system will automatically create a new, unique link to your SmartTranscript that you can then share with others. This action cannot be undone, so read the prompts carefully before continuing.
Downloading your SmartTranscript
On the sharing page, you will also have the option to download a PDF copy of your SmartTranscript.
Once your PDF downloads, it should look something like this!
If you have enabled Sharing on your SmartTranscript, then a QR code and link will appear at the bottom right corner of the PDF.
If you are a campus administrator looking to learn how to download and share a student’s SmartTranscript, check out our Administrator's Guide to the SmartTranscript here!
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