Calendar feeds and APIs available to our campus partners.
General Notes
- All APIs are formatted in JSON
- Included attributes can be seen by going to the links below for a sample campus
- With the exception of the webcal/ical feed and the iframe calendar, these feeds are intended to be used by a developer
Note: For all items below, replace the entire text in brackets (including the brackets) with the appropriate information. For example, you'd replace[[subdomain]]
Subdomains match a institution's EDU domain. ie. would be atlantis.
Campus API
Used in certain other APIs primarily in order to get IDs[[subdomain]]/v1/app/campus
allowsGuestCheckIn: true
apiId: "672017c9-bb1d-4387-9faa-1960d3f45fa6"
cdn: ""
hasCampusForms: true
name: "University of Atlantis"
portalLink: ""
requiresIdMatch: false
statusId: 1
structureNoSqlId: "da059f8a-ecda-4d2d-bbff-03a0209bc4ce"
subdomain: "atlantis"
systemNoSqlId: "01969ffd-5756-4e8d-9498-1a4a6d929c63"
uri: "atlantis"
Events APIs
Event List
Events API (All Events)
This is a feed of all of a campuses events that can be integrated into a custom page/web application and offers the most flexibility
Events API (For Organization)
This is a feed of all events from a particular organization. It can be integrated into a custom page/web application and offers the most flexibility
apiId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
eventNoSqlId: "05e41414-ba5a-4adb-92f5-2d332ad1f55a",
uri: "safe-zone-training",
subdomain: "atlantis",
campusName: "University of Atlantis",
eventName: "Safe Zone Training [Virtual]",
organizationName: "Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion",
organizationUri: "office-of-equity-diversity-inclusion",
orgStructureNoSqlId: "15ad5318-ca0f-42d7-a075-5901f9ecb3b4",
description: "<p>The Safe Zone Program, hosted by the University of Atlantis Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, is a four-part training series that aims to educate students, faculty, and staff on how to become effective allies to the LGBTQ+ community. Through interactive activities and facilitated dialogue, participants will learn strategies for contributing to the University's goal of cultivating a safe and supportive environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, queer, questioning, and asexual members of our campus community. </p>",
location: "Student Center Classroom",
isVirtualEventLink: false,
hasVirtualEventIntegration: false,
hasEventEnded: false,
contactName: "Athena Demo",
hasCoverImage: true,
photoUri: "8c6e9101-9194-4b78-bc03-d36fe36c4d5a.png",
photoType: "upload",
photoUriWithVersion: "8c6e9101-9194-4b78-bc03-d36fe36c4d5a.png?v=0",
startDateTimeUtc: "2021-06-29T22:20:00Z",
endDateTimeUtc: "2021-06-29T22:21:00Z",
statusId: 0,
earnOpps: {
experiences: [ ],
skills: [ ],
points: [ ],
serviceHourAmount: 0
tags: [
Popular Properties
Event Title
eventName: "Safe Zone Training [Virtual]"
Compiling an Event Cover Image
https://[Campus-cdn]/event-photos/[Campus apiId]/[Event photoUri]
Host Organization
organizationName: "Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion"
Start Date & Time
Set in UTC. Try using Moment.js to format
startDateTimeUtc: "2021-06-29T22:20:00Z"
location: "Student Center Classroom"
description: "<p>The Safe Zone Program…"
Event Details
Detailed information about a specific event, including description, tags, location, etc.
apiId: "232f0c4e-f080-47e5-88f7-efa4cb956d9a",
eventNoSqlId: "05e41414-ba5a-4adb-92f5-2d332ad1f55a",
uri: "safe-zone-training",
subdomain: "atlantis",
campusName: "University of Atlantis",
eventName: "Safe Zone Training [Virtual]",
organizationName: "Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion",
organizationUri: "office-of-equity-diversity-inclusion",
orgStructureNoSqlId: "15ad5318-ca0f-42d7-a075-5901f9ecb3b4",
description: "<p>The Safe Zone Program, hosted by the University of Atlantis Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion, is a four-part training series that aims to educate students, faculty, and staff on how to become effective allies to the LGBTQ+ community. Through interactive activities and facilitated dialogue, participants will learn strategies for contributing to the University's goal of cultivating a safe and supportive environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, queer, questioning, and asexual members of our campus community. </p>",
location: "Student Center Classroom",
isVirtualEventLink: false,
hasVirtualEventIntegration: false,
hasEventEnded: false,
contactName: "Athena Demo",
hasCoverImage: true,
photoUri: "8c6e9101-9194-4b78-bc03-d36fe36c4d5a.png",
photoType: "upload",
photoUriWithVersion: "8c6e9101-9194-4b78-bc03-d36fe36c4d5a.png?v=0",
startDateTimeUtc: "2021-06-29T22:20:00Z",
endDateTimeUtc: "2021-06-29T22:21:00Z",
statusId: 1,
tags: [
Popular Properties
In addition to the popular properties from the events list, these properties are commonly used on single events
An array of strings chosen by the event creator from a list set by the institution
tags: ["Virtual", "Another Example"]
Event Tags
A list of all tags on a campus.
idh: "ag",
name: "Alumni",
uri: "A6845EBE-649A-45BE-90C4-346ED7BFD8CE",
eventCount: 10
idh: "dnLB",
name: "Anchor Orientation",
uri: "anchor-orientation",
eventCount: 0
idh: "XRdz",
name: "Career",
uri: "career",
eventCount: 3
idh: "rZ",
name: "Food",
uri: "6488DF1D-DBC6-4899-B4CB-740719560820",
eventCount: 33
idh: "Rz0o",
name: "Leadership",
uri: "leadership",
eventCount: 4
Organizations APIs
Organization List
A list of all active organizations
subdomain: "atlantis",
campusName: "University of Atlantis",
name: "Adventurer's Guild",
uri: "adventurers-guild",
regularMeetingTime: "4pm Tuesdays and Thursdays",
regularMeetingLocation: "Rec Center room 104",
hasCoverImage: true,
photoUri: "d3b51a5d-f420-4789-8039-410103b3e799.jpg",
photoType: "search",
photoUriWithVersion: "d3b51a5d-f420-4789-8039-410103b3e799.jpg?v=2",
memberCount: 42,
categories: [
"Student Organization",
orgMember: false,
newOrg: false,
hasUpcomingEvents: true
Popular Properties
name: "Adventurer's Guild"
Compiling and Organization Cover Image
https://[Campus cdn]/organization-photos/[Campus apiId]/[Organization List photoUri]
Meeting Time(s)
An open text field for students to edit
regularMeetingTime: "4pm Tuesdays and Thursdays"
Meeting Location
An open text field for students to edit
regularMeetingLocation: "Rec Center room 104"
An array chosen by the organization creator from a list set by the institution
categories: ["Student Organization", "Social"]
Organization Details
Detailed information about a specific organization, including description, tags, location, etc.
uri: "adventurers-guild",
apiId: "6661e373-5bb9-46b2-9754-d6d8bfc8f157",
structureNoSqlId: "939c33ad-566e-4f4b-95e7-2f237e6c01df",
name: "Adventurer's Guild",
campusName: "University of Atlantis",
subdomain: "atlantis",
description: "<p>Welcome to the Adventure's Guild! Whether you are looking for ropes course programs, climbing wall, adventure center or zip line construction, facilitator training / certification, program gear supply, guided rock climbing and instruction, caving, corporate team building, faith-based adventures, or custom adventure-based camps and retreats, The Adventure's Guild is your one-stop source!!<br/></p>",
regularMeetingLocation: "Rec Center room 104",
regularMeetingTime: "4pm Tuesdays and Thursdays",
hasCoverImage: true,
photoUri: "d3b51a5d-f420-4789-8039-410103b3e799.jpg",
photoType: "search",
photoUriWithVersion: "d3b51a5d-f420-4789-8039-410103b3e799.jpg?v=2",
memberCount: 42,
documentCount: 1,
contactName: "Sir Ernest Shackleton",
hasEmailAddress: true,
isMember: false,
isOfficer: false,
allowStudentsToJoinOnPortal: true,
twitter: "AtlantisU",
facebook: "atlantisuniversity",
categories: [
"Student Organization"
Categories API
A list of all categories on a campus.
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