Creating & Viewing A Waiver

Waivers are a great tool for events or organizations that participate in activities that may have some form of risk associated with it. By creating waivers through Involve, you are able to ensure all your necessary risk management documentation is completed and in one place. You can create a waiver in just a few easy steps!


Only Campus Administrators can create waivers! If you do not have that level of access and you wish to create a waiver, please reach out to your Campus Admin to discuss your options. 


1. From the admin dashboard, hover over the side menu and select "Events"



Waivers are a great tool for events or organizations that participate in activities that may have some form of risk associated with it. By creating waivers through Involve, you are able to ensure all your necessary risk management documentation is completed and in one place. You can create a waiver in just a few easy steps!


Only Campus Administrators can create waivers! If you do not have that level of access and you wish to create a waiver, please reach out to your Campus Admin to discuss your options. 


1. From the admin dashboard, hover over the side menu and select "Events"


2. This will bring you to the Events page. Click the "Waiver" tab at the top: 


3. Next, click on the "+" symbol in the top right corner to create a new Waiver: 


4. Now you're ready to create your waiver! Create a title for your waiver. The "Waiver Text" is what attendees will read after they swipe in to the event. When you're all done, click the "Publish" button in the top right corner!


5. There's no need to add a signature field! One will automatically populate for the attendee after they swipe in to the event and they can sign right on the screen!

Your waiver is ready to use! Students will be prompted to sign your waiver when they are checked in to an event! Once a student signs a waiver, they will not be prompted to sign that version of the waiver again.


Viewing A Waiver


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