Editing a Waiver

Once a waiver is created, you have the option to update the waiver at any time! In order to edit a waiver, follow the steps below. This access is only available for Campus Administrators. If you do not see the options outlined below, please contact your Campus Administrator for assistance.

From the left navigation menu, select Events

Next, click on the Waivers tab at the top of the screen. From the Waivers tab, you'll be able to select the waiver you wish to edit! Click on the three stacked dots next to your waiver and select New Revision:

*By clicking on the three stacked dots, you can also view the signatures of those who have signed the waiver, deactivate the waiver, or delete the waiver!*

Clicking on New Revision will bring you to an editing screen that will allow you to change the name of your waiver and/or adjust the body of the waiver. When all necessary changes have been made, click on the Update button in the upper right corner:

When a new revision is created, anyone who signed a previous version of the waiver will be prompted to sign the new version the next time they check into an event that has this waiver attached.

Once your waiver is updated, you'll be brought to an overview screen for your waiver. If you would like to view previous versions of the waiver, you can do so on this screen by clicking the View Versions button:

*This page can also be accessed by clicking on the name of the waiver from the Waiver tab.*

Click on the Eye Icon that is next to the version you wish to view:

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