Assigning Waivers

Some events require a waiver to protect the hosting organization and other entities from liability.  When creating an event, the hosting organization will have the option to attach a waiver to the event! Attendees will be able to sign the waiver as they check in. To learn how to attach a waiver to an event follow the steps below:


Assign a Waiver to an Event


Assign a Waiver to an Organization

1. From any screen, hover over manage, and click "Events": 


2. Click on the link for your event. On the next screen, click on the pencil icon in the upper right hand corner:


3. Once on the edit page, scroll down and click on the Waiver drop down menu. Select the waiver you would like to attach to your event:


Please note, you will need to create the Waiver before you can attach it to an event. For more information on how to create a Waiver, click here! If you do not see a Waiver field on your Event Registration form, please contact your Campus Administrator to ask about adding the Waiver field to the registration form. 


4. After you have your waiver selected, scroll to the top of the screen and click on the "Submit for Approval" to save your work. Your institution may require your event to be reviewed and approved after this change is made. 


Students will only be prompted to sign the waiver once. If you revise your waiver and create a new version, students who previously signed will be prompted to sign the updated version.



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