Finance: Overview of Budgets


The Budget Flow is a super easy way to view a snapshot of where all of your money is! This can be really helpful when managing your budget and planning for future spending.


Budget flow overview bar on the Finance page

The green Budget Flow bar is located at the top of the Budget’s page. It breaks down the different stages of the budgeting process and the amount of money in each of those stages.


The budget flow bar shows details of where money is at each stage of the finance process

Budget Flow Stages

  • Request To Allocate - current and pending requests that need to be reviewed.

  • Available - money that is currently available in budgets. You can view a breakdown of the amounts in the Available section for Top-Level budgets and Sub-Budgets, just by hovering over that section.  


    Breakdown of available money in the budget flow bar
  • Request To Spend - money that has been requested to spend through an Expenditure Request form. This money may be committed but the expenditure still needs to be reviewed before money is going to move anywhere else.

  • Approved To Spend - any expenditure requests that have been approved but money has not yet been recorded as spent (or reconciled).

  • Request To Reconcile - money has already been spent and the reconciliation form has been submitted but has not yet been approved.

  • Spent - reconciliations that have been approved.

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