Welcome to your Forms Management Training! In this training, you'll learn the information you need to know in order to manage forms for your campus confidently. We'll cover a variety of topics including form building and configuration, providing access to forms, setting up approval workflows for form submissions, and more!
The Forms feature in Presence allows you to create a wide variety of forms to simplify and digitize your campus processes. From election forms to student feedback surveys, you can use the Forms feature to streamline your day-to-day information gathering and eliminate paper processes!
Navigating The Forms Page On The Admin Dashboard
Let's begin by looking at the Forms page on the Admin Dashboard! Each tab along the top of the page contains different information that will be helpful with form management.
The Form Response Inbox is your one stop shop for managing your form responses! Here, you can find responses that require your attention, a history of responses that you have submitted, as well as responses to forms you have been given access to.
The My Forms tab will display any form that you have created as well as forms to which you have been given access.
The Campus Forms tab will display a list of all forms that have been made "campus wide" in their visibility settings. Any form that appears on this tab is also available on the Forms tab of the Student Portal.
Similar to containers in your kitchen, form categories can help users easily find the forms they need to receive approval, access information gathered, and retain for record keeping.
The Forms feature allows you to create a wide variety of forms from election ballots to student surveys! You can use Forms to streamline your application processes, create pre-registration forms for your events, and so much more!
There are lots of field types and settings to choose from. More on the field types and settings for them will be covered in other videos in this training sequence.
Field Settings
Most fields have a variety of settings that can be applied. These settings can increase the functionality of the field to ensure that valid data and information are captured throughout your forms!
You can create awesome, user-friendly layouts for your forms using the field resizing tool! Not every question requires an entire line of space. By resizing and arranging fields, you can create a form that is easy to read and complete.
Conditional Logic
Conditional logic allows you create rules to display or hide fields or field groups dynamically depending on a response, user access, organization membership, and more!
Available Fields
There are a number of different types of fields available to you as you are creating your form. Most different types of fields have specific settings that can increase the functionality of the field and ensure that you are capturing the information that you need!
Text Fields are one of the most popular field types used in form building! The Text Field provides a space for your respondents to type a response to your question.
When the answer you need from a responder absolutely needs to be a number, then a Number Field is just what you need! Number Fields provide a wide range of choices for collecting numeric and scaled data.
Life (and form building) is all about choice. With different ways to display choices and flexibility to allow for multiple- or single-choice options, the Choice Field can make collecting the data you need even easier.
With a Date/Time Field, consistently formatted information about dates and times can be collected with ease!
The Email field type is used to collect email addresses from your responder! This field only accepts valid email address and any other text or number based input will not be accepted. Incorrectly typed email addresses will be a thing of the past!
This field allows responders to your form to upload a document as part of their submission. This field type is ideal for documents that require specific formatting (such as a resume) or supporting documents such as a copy of a receipt.
The Signature Field allows you to collect a digital signature from your responder. Typically, Signature fields are placed after a Content field containing information for the responder to read and acknowledge. Responders can use a trackpad, touchscreen, or mouse to add their signature to the form.
The Image Search field allows you to collect an image as part of your form. This field will allow your responders to search a royalty free image database for stock images or choose to upload an image from their device.
In addition to fields where you are collecting information from your responders, you can also provide information, context, and structure to the form experience for them. There are several types of Layout fields you can use to build your forms!
Layout: Field Group
Field groups allow you to group information together and can help to give structure to your forms. Applying conditional logic to your field groups can also create a form experience for your responders that provides them with the information that they need and also ensures that you collect the information from them that you need!
You may wish to have responders choose from a list of organizations as an answer to your question. Whether it's for a club fair registration form or reporting service hours on behalf of a club, the Organizations Widget is a great field to use! This field provides a list of organizations that exist on your campus, so you don't have to worry about misspelled names or unrecognized acronyms.
Involve forms can be used to gather feedback about events that have taken place. You can also create pre-registration and RSVP forms for events as well! The Event Widget makes selecting events easier on those types of forms! The Events Widget allows responders to select from a list of events that exist in Involve. Which events are displayed on this widget is based upon the settings that you choose!
Form Settings
In addition to selecting fields to populate your form, you will also be able to select from Form Settings that can control anything from where you form is able to be accessed, to how many responses can be received on the form, to who will be approving responses to the form!
Add a form name, description for your form, categorize it, and select a status for the form!
Choose settings for your form to personalize the Response Title as well as set up a Success Action for your form responders!
You can control who is able to access and complete your form and how they are able to find it on Involve
The Availability settings allow you to dictate when a form will be available, how many submissions a form can accept overall, and how many times a responder can complete the form!
The Access settings allow you to control who can view and edit your form and its responses. You can choose to add access to an individual user, to users with a specific role, or you can give access based on the membership role a user holds. You'll be able to choose what level of access you want to give.
Approvals and notifications allow you to decide who will need to approve responses to the form, if they need to approve in a particular order, and what message approvers or recipients of notifications will receive when a form response has been received or approved by others.
Approvals & Notifications: Choosing a Stage Type
When setting up an approval or notification stage, there are several options to choose from depending upon your process!
There are several advanced options you can apply when building an approval and notification workflow for your forms! These include special messaging, conditional logic, and giving approvers the ability to edit submissions.
Now that you have created a form and shared that form with others, it's time to learn more about how you can access the responses you've received!
Once a form response is created and either submitted or saved as a draft, you can export that form response as either a PDF or a CSV. Exporting a form response is a great way to view and share the data found in the form submission!
After a form has been submitted for approval, it's time for approvers to make important decisions about whether that organization, event, or other request should be approved. There are a several ways that approvers can see the form response and make their approval decision.
Most of the time, responders will be submitting a form response for approval, meaning it will go through the approval workflow that has been designed by the form owner. This could include any number of stages and approvers. If the form does not require submissions to be reviewed, responders will see a button that simply says "Submit".
Submitting without Approval
If you have edit or higher access to the form you are completing - meaning you either created the form or you were given access to make changes to the form itself - you can bypass the approval process and submit without approval.
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