Campus Administrators can view the status of recent data file uploads on the Student Imports Page. You can reach the Student Imports from your Admin Dashboard by clicking “Settings” and selecting “Student Imports.”
Student Import Statuses
Success – Your file was imported successfully.
Completed with Errors – Your file was imported. However, some records did not get updated due to errors on those lines.
Error – Your file was prevented from importing due to too many errors.
Troubleshooting Errors
Duplicate Email
Explanation: The same email exists in more than one line in the data file.
Resolution: Work with your campus IT to make sure that all email addresses only exist in the data file once.
Duplicate ID Number
Explanation: The same ID number exists in more than one row in the data file.
Resolution: Work with your campus IT to make sure that all ID numbers only exist in the data file once.
Missing Email
Explanation: A person in the data file is included but does not have an email address.
Resolution: Work with your campus IT to ensure all people in the data file have an email address or remove this person from the data file.
Missing ID Number
Explanation: A person in the data file is included but does not have an ID number.
Resolution: Work with your campus IT to ensure all people in the data file have an ID number or remove this person from the data file.
Missing First Name or Last Name
Explanation A person in the data file is included but does not have a first name or last name.
Resolution Work with your campus IT to ensure all people in the data file have a first and last name or remove this person from the data file.
Unrecognized Headers
Explanation Headers in the data file are not compatible with Involve. They must match what we have on file exactly. You can use our list of available header options for reference.
Resolution Work with your campus IT to update your headers to match an option on our list of available headers exactly. If you want to utilize a data point that we do not provide a header for, you can use the Admin 1 or Admin 2 header.
Required Headers Missing
Explanation One or more of the headers required by Involve are missing from the data file.
Resolution Work with your campus IT to ensure the data file includes each of the required headers listed here.
Error parsing headers file
Explanation There is a discrepancy between the number of headers in the file and the number of columns of data. Possible causes include:
- The header row may contain an extra comma, which is interpreted as an extra column.
- There may be a comma in the data (e.g. St. Petersburg, FL or John Smith, Jr.). This unintentionally generates another column for that row and misaligns data.
- There may be a row of data in the file that is missing a column.
Resolution Work with your campus IT to ensure that the number of columns is equal between the header and the data. If a column is expected to be empty, the best practice is to fill fields with N/A. Data with commas that should be displayed need to be escaped properly. The most common way to do this is to double-quote the data (e.g. "St. Petersburg, FL" would display correctly).
Duplicate Key Row - Swipe Data
Explanation A person currently in the Involve database has the same UniqueCardID as a different person in the newest data file. Sometimes this is due to a change in other information that doesn't allow the system to line it up properly, such as a campus re-using UniqueCardIDs.
Resolution Confirm that the UniqueCardID does in fact belong to the person in the current data file. The affected UniqueCardID is the first number listed in parentheses (1234567890, 56780). The second number is a unique campus code and irrelevant to the error.
If the UniqueCardID does not belong to the person it is assigned to in the current data file, please work with your campus IT to correct and re-upload the file. If the information in the data file is correct, please reach out to Support.
Person has previously been found via another field
Explanation There is overlap between unique identifiers of a person. For example, sometimes an ID number will change, but an email address will remain the same.
Resolution Confirm that the person's information in the data file is correct. If it is not, please Work with your campus IT to correct and re-upload the file. If the information in the data file is correct, please reach out to Support.
Please contact support
Explanation There are two possible causes for this error message.
- We noticed a larger-than-expected change in the number of active people in the data file and stopped the file from running to confirm that this change was intentional.
- A demographic column was previously populated with values, but the most recent data file does not have any values in that column.
Resolution Work with your campus IT to confirm that the student count in your most recent data file is correct. Also confirm that all demographic columns are populated with data. If the student count in the data file is correct AND all demographic columns are populated with data, please reach out to Support for the error to be bypassed.
Master Level Error: Process of file is halted
Explanation There is likely a large number of errors that cannot be displayed on the Student Imports page.
Resolution Please reach out to Support for details on the errors.
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