Overview Of The Organization List Page


To navigate to the Organization page, click on Organizations from the left navigation menu.


Left navigation menu options

Viewing The Organization List

The information found on the Organizations page will depend upon your access. Campus Administrators will have access to view all organizations on campus while Organization Administrators will only have access to the organizations they oversee.



By default, the Organizations page will display organizations that are active and in transition. You can include inactive organizations in your results by clicking on the Status button and selecting "Inactive" from the drop down menu. To create a new organization, click the + icon in the upper right corner of the screen. (This icon will only appear if the Organization Registration form is available for completion.)


Sorting, Filtering, and Exporting


The columns of information displayed can be configured by clicking on the cog icon located below the Filter button. Here, you can choose which columns of information display. Additional filtering options are available by clicking on the Filter button!


Organization page with options to filter, adjust the data displayed, and create new orgs.

The list of organizations can be exported by clicking on the Export button located at the bottom left of the Organization page. Users can export all results as a CSV or choose specific organizations they wish to export.


The organization list can be exported using the export button.



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