Transact (Mobile Interface Only)

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If your campus uses the Transact ID card system and their mobile readers, you can use these readers for contactless check-in on iOS devices.

In order to use this method of check in at events, the data contained within your student ID that Transact reads will needs to be in the data file. You can read more about the data needed for this here: Data File.


How are they used by Involve?

You can check attendees via the Transact Readers in the mobile app. When using the mobile app, you will connect the bluetooth Transact Reader to the iOS device inside of the app. This will allow you to scan, swipe, or tap an attendee’s ID, and successfully check them into the event.

The app is accessible on both Apple and Android devices; however, the Transact integration only works on iOS devices.
Involve does not provide Transact card readers. Please reach out to Transact to obtain these card readers.
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