Form Settings: Details

Learn how to add a form name, description, category, and status.



Let's begin by creating a new form or by editing an existing form. Once the form is open, click on the Settings button, found in the upper right corner:


The settings button is circled in blue.

The Settings button will open up a menu of options:


The "Details" section of the form settings menu.

Click the title to expand and collapse additional options for each section. Below is a deeper dive into the Details section!


Form Name

This is where you can name your form, for example "Homecoming Elections" or "Library Feedback Survey". The default for this field will always be “New Form”. We are highly confident that you have way better ideas in mind for names!


Form Description

This field allows for a more in-depth description of what your form will be doing. Ex: “Please use this form to vote for your favorite T-shirt design. Voting will close on October 3rd, 2020.”


The content entered in the description field appears below the title of the form.


This allows you to choose from a list of Form Categories that have been created for your campus by your Campus Administrators. The options that appear will be unique to your campus. Selecting a category for your form is optional.



You have two options for the status of your form: Active or Draft. “Active” forms are visible within the system depending on the visibility settings you have chosen (more on this below.) “Draft” means you are still working on the form and it cannot be seen by anyone other than you (and us...we can totally see it).


Allow Revisions

After a form has been submitted, any user with access to the response can make revisions and resubmit. In order to enable this option, you must first turn on the "require login" option in the Visibility Settings menu.


Note: When re-submitting a revision of a response, it will go through the approval stages again unless the "Skips Approval On Revision" option has been selected for the field that has been revised.

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