Form Settings: Availability

Limit responses and choose when your form is active.


The Availability settings allow you to dictate when a form will be available, how many submissions a form can accept overall, and how many times a responder can complete the form!


Let's begin by creating a new form or by editing an existing form. Once the form is open, click on the Settings button, found in the upper right corner:


Update form screen with "settings" menu button circled.

The Settings button will open up a menu of options:


Availability settings

Click the title to expand and collapse additional options for each section. Below is a deeper dive into the Visibility section!


Limit Responses

There are two ways you can limit the responses accepted for your form.


Per User: This limits the number of times a single user can complete the form. This is great for things like organization elections, feedback surveys, or giveaway raffles! If you want to limit a responder to two entries maximum, simply enter "2" in the "Per User" field.


If a responder attempts to complete the form more than the number of times permitted, they will receive a message stating they have reached their submission limit. Please note that any submission saved as a draft counts towards the submission limit!


Per Form: This limits the number of total responses that can be received. For example, let's say you are running a workshop and there are 100 spots available. You can enter "100" into the "Per Form" field to limit the number of submissions accepted to 100. When the maximum limit is reached, the form will no longer accept submissions.



This allows you to set time limits on when responses will be accepted for a form. You can use just a starting date, just an ending date, or both a starting and ending date. If these fields are left blank, the form will be available immediately and remain open indefinitely.


Examples of date/time field options

To clear a date from either field, click the X next to the date:


Clear the date/time by clicking the x.
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