How to give other users access to view and edit your form.
The Access settings allow you to control who can view and edit your form and its responses. Let's begin by creating a new form or by editing an existing form. Once the form is open, click on the Settings button, found in the upper right corner:
The Settings button will open up a menu of options:
Click the title to expand and collapse additional options for each section. Below is a deeper dive into the Access section!
Adding Access
First, choose who you would like to give access to! You can choose to add access to an individual user, to users with a specific role, or you can give access based on the membership role a user holds.
User: Selecting “User” will grant access to your form to a specific individual. Keep in mind that in order to access the admin side of a form, the person you're selecting must have access to the admin side of Presence! You can choose any user provided they are active users with administrative permissions in the system. This permission can be granted to multiple users. You will only see users you have access to! Campus admins can see all users, while Organization Admins can see members of the organization(s) they oversee.
Role: Access to a form can be granted by Roles including Campus Administrators, Category Administrators, Organization Administrators, or users with Campus View Access. Please note, when granting access to a form based on Role, all users who have this role in the system will be given access to your form.
Member Type: When granting access to a form based on member type you will be able to decide what officers of a particular organization will be able to access your form. Select Member Type, then choose the type of member you wish to give access to. Access will be given to any user holding that specific role in an organization. This is a great choice for forms that are used year after year; the access to the form will change over to the current user(s) holding that membership title.
Access Level
Next, you'll be able to choose what level of access you want to give. There are four levels of access you can grant: Owner, View, Edit, and Edit & Share.
Owner: Owner is the highest level of access you can provide. Owners can control who has access to the form, make updates to the form, and view and edit any responses. Owners can also remove or add other owners to the form. You are automatically given Owner access to any form you create. Owner access can only be granted to individual users. If you choose Role or Member Type in the Who field, Owner will not be an option in the access dropdown.
View: Those given view access will only be able to look at the form and its responses. Users with View access cannot make any changes.
Edit: Allows user to make changes to both the form and any responses.
Edit & Share: Users have Edit access and the ability to share this level of access with other users.
Once you have selected who is getting access to your form and the type of access they need, click the "Add Right" button. You will see the access appear on the Access menu. Close the form settings menus, then save your form! Once saved, the access to your form will be live.
Changing Access
You may need to change the level of access someone has to your form. To do so, open the Access settings and choose a new level of access in the dropdown next to the user, role, or member type:
Once you have selected the new access, click the check mark to apply the changes. Be sure to close the form settings menus and save your form to save your changes.
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