Form Settings: Responses

Learn more about Response Titles and Success Messages!

Let's begin by creating a new form or by editing an existing form. Once the form is open, click on the Settings button, found in the upper right corner:


Update form screen with "settings" menu button circled.

The Settings button will open up a menu of options:

The Responses section of the Form Settings menu.

Click the title to expand and collapse additional options for each section. Below is a deeper dive into the Responses section!


Response Title

Users with access to your form will be able to see the responses from those who complete it. The Response Title allows owners to choose a specific question from the form as the title of the response. If left blank, the default Response Title will show the answer to the first question on your form*.


If you prefer, you can choose almost any of the fields on your form to be the response title! In the example below, we've used a choice field to ask for the name of an award nominee. When viewing the Form Responses, the answers to that question are shown as the Response Title.


The selection made in the menu settings becomes the response title.

Please note that not all fields can be used for a Response Title. Text, Choice, Number, Email and Widget fields will all produce a response title.


Hide Empty Fields

Fields that are left empty upon submission will not appear on the form response.


Success Action

This field allows you to control what a user sees after they submit the completed form. There are two options:

  • Success Message: Design a custom message that shows after the form is submitted. The message can be simple text or you can use images, links, and YouTube videos to create eye catching messages.

Example of a success message.
  • Success Page: Redirect responders to the website of your choice. Hosting an SGA election? Redirect voters to the SGA Organization page! You can link to a Presence form, an organization page, or a campus resource page!


    The success page field and corresponding URL.
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