Finance: Depositing Money Into A Budget

A deposit is a sum of money that is placed in an account for future use. Please note that you need specific access in order to access the Finance tools. If the Finance page is not an option on your navigation menu, please contact your Campus Administrator to request access.


To begin a deposit, hover over the left navigation menu and select Finance. In the top right corner of the Finance page, you will find the “Create” button. This quick button allows for fast access to the forms you need! In this example, you will click on “Create” and select “Deposit”.


The create button allows you to quickly create an expenditure request.

You can also complete a Deposit request from an organization's budget page by clicking the “Create Transaction” button in the upper right corner:


Create a transaction from your organization's budget page!

Once selected from the dropdown menu, the “Create Deposit” form will load on the screen. Fill out the form making sure to select the budget that you want to allocate money to and amount you wish to deposit.


Submit the form for approval using the green button in the top right hand corner. Once your request is approved, the money will be deposited into your account for future use.


Best Practices: Deposits should only be used for initial disbursement of money into top accounts. Money should then be allocated down into sub-accounts. Deposits should also be used to deposit fundraising money or other revenue that is not allocated.

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