Organization Active Requirements

Certain administrators on your campus have the ability to establish the minimum requirements all organizations need in order to stay active! Let's take a look at the different types of Active Requirements you can employ. Remember to click the "Save Requirements" button after creating your requirements!


Please note, in order to establish or change Active Requirements, you must have the "Manage Active Requirements" access claim. If you do not see the options outlined below, contact your Campus Administrator.

Types Of Active Requirements


You can require attendance to specific events as a part of an organization's Active Requirements. When selected, the events field will show a list of upcoming events for you to choose from. Only future events will appear in this list, so be sure to establish your Active Requirements prior to those event offerings!


This is a great way to require workshops and training opportunities for your student leaders! Once an event is selected, you can then choose which organization officers will be required to attend. Finally, choose the organization categories this requirement should apply to.


Required Events Attended

Minimum Members

You can also choose to have a minimum number of members. "Members" includes all people listed on the roster including officers, advisors, and general members. Simply set the minimum number of members required, then choose the organization categories this requirement will apply to.


Minimum number of members required for an organization to be considered active.


Finally, you can require specific officer roles for an organization. For example, you can require each organization have at least a president and a treasurer. To do this, click on the Required Officers field and select as many officer positions as you need. You can choose one officer position or make multiple selections. Finally, choose the organization categories this requirement will apply to.


Required minimum officers for an organization.

When you are done creating your Active Requirements, be sure to click the green "Save Requirements" button!


How Do I Know Who Is Failing The Requirements?

There may be organizations who are not meeting the Active Requirements your institution has put in place. Let's take a look at where we can find a list of organizations failing to meet those requirements!



When an organization is not meeting your campus' Active Requirements, an alert banner will appear on the organization's admin page. This banner will be visible to any organization administrator who logs in to the Admin Dashboard. The banner will explain what requirements the organization is failing to meet:


An alert banner explaining the requirements that are not being met.

Messaging And Deactivating Organizations Failing To Meet Active Requirements

You can quickly and easily view a list of organizations failing to meet those requirements. From here, you can choose to notify the organizations or deactivate those who are not meeting the minimum requirements.


Organizations that are failing to meet your campus' Active Requirements are NOT automatically deactivated. An administrator for your campus will need to manually deactivate those organizations; the system will not do so automatically.





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