Organization Officers List

The Officers List allows administrators to see all officers and advisors for organizations they have access to. Administrators can also email officers from this page or export the list. The list shows the details of each officer, including name, email, organization, officer position, and ID number (if the user has the necessary access to view student ID numbers).



Sorting & Filtering

This page includes Enhanced Sorting and Filtering to allow you to find just the officers you are looking for, such as all Presidents or all officers from a specific organization.

Export a List of Officers

Exporting All Officers

To export all officers, scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Export All As CSV"


Exporting Select Officers

You can use sorting and filtering to find just a list of officers that you would like to export. Once you have filtered to the list you would like, follow the Exporting All Officers Above.


You can also use the Checkmark button to select specific officers to export


Emailing Officers

The Email Officers button will email all officers if you have not filtered the list. If you filter the list, you can limit the officers you email!


You can also use the select option described above to email select officers.

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