Filter Reference

Here is a reference for all of the available filters:

  • "Is" (number, text, list, date):  looks for an EXACT match with the input in the filter. If the column data is generally unique for all items AND is 'text' type, this will appear as an input. If the column data is not generally unique AND is 'text' type, this will be a drop down of all options. For 'date' column data the filter will match the chosen day.                                                 

  • "Is not" (number, text, list, date): everything that does not follow the criteria for 'is' 

  • "Between" (number, date): looks for everything between the two chosen values (exclusive). 'number' types will have two value inputs and 'date' types will have two date pickers.                                                          

  • "Not between" (number, date): looks for anything that not between the two chosen values.              

  • "Contains" (text, list): looks for any item that contains the input value. For 'list' types, this will appear as a drop down of all possible options the item's property could contain. For 'text' types, there will be a text input to match any text for that property in the collection.              

  • "Does not contain" (text, list): looks for anything that does not contain the chosen value.

  • "Greater than" (number): looks for any item whose column property is greater than the chosen value (exclusive).                                                          

  • "Less than" (number): looks for any item whose column is less than the chosen value (exclusive).         

  • "Before" (date): looks for any item whose column property occurred before the selected time.                         

  • "After" (date): looks for any item whose column property occurred after the selected time.

  • "Known" (number, text, list, date): looks for anything whose column property exists.   

  • "Unknown" (number, text, list, date): looks for anything whose column property does not exist.    

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