Need a list of your current organization members? Well, you can get it in just a few clicks!
Membership Rosters
1. From any screen, hover over the navigation bar on the left and select "Organizations" to bring up the organizations list.
2. From the Organization's listing page, click the three stacked dots to the right of the organization you want to add members to, then select “Roster”.
You can also click into the organization and click the “Roster” tab
3. From here you can export a membership roster by scrolling to the Members section at the bottom of the page. Locate the "Invite Members" or "Add Members" button on the right of the screen. (The button text will depend upon your level of access.) Click the small arrow to the right of the "Invite Members" button and select "Export Members":
4. A .CSV file will download to your device! Keep in mind that you need certain access in order to view student numbers on your member export. If you do not have the "View Student Numbers" right on your account, the student numbers column will not be included on your export. If you are in need of that information, please contact your Campus Administrator.
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