Remove Organization Members in Bulk

In order to remove organization members in bulk to update your roster, you must upload a .csv spreadsheet with their email, member type, and status. To expedite creating this spreadsheet, you are able to export your member roster at any time!

Membership Rosters

1. From any screen, hover over the navigation bar on the left and select "Organizations" to bring up the organizations list.


2. From the Organization's listing page, click the three stacked dots to the right of the organization you want to remove members from, then select “Roster”.



You can also click into the organization and click the “Roster” tab



3. From here you can import a membership roster by scrolling to the Members section at the bottom of the page. Locate the "Invite Members" or "Add Members" button on the right of the screen. (The button text will depend upon your level of access.) Click the small arrow to the right of the "Invite Members" button and select "Import Members":



4. To successfully import members you will need to upload a .csv file from your computer with the following information. Make sure everything is spelled exactly as you see it here in order for it to work. We highly recommend using the template provided below!


  • Position (Member, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Committee Chair)
  • Email
  • Status (Inactive or Active)


To BULK REMOVE members - mark them as INACTIVE in the status column.


Here is an example of what your file should look like:



Feel free to use this template for your convenience Bulk Add / Remove Roster Template!


5. From here the system will validate your changes. After reviewing the changes, click “Confirm and Import":


Keep in mind that there is a limit of 300 to the amount of members you can upload at one time. It will not work if you attempt to upload more than this.

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