The Organization Membership Reporting tab allows administrators to view a list of all members they have access to. Organization Admins can view members and officers of the organizations they have access to, while Campus Administrators can see all memberships.
Please note, you can only see membership details for organizations you have access to!
To access the Organization Memberships Reporting tab, click on Organizations from the left navigation menu.
Click on the Memberships tab at the top of the Organizations page.
You can also access the Membership tab when viewing an individual organization. Just click on the Membership tab of your organization page!
The Organization Membership tab will default to showing all active members including officers, advisors, and general members.
Available Columns
There are several columns you can view according to your needs. To add different pieces of information to your view, click the cog icon below the Filter button:
Here are the column options available to add to your view. Please note that some columns will only be available if you have the access to view them (for example, ID numbers).
ID Number (if user has appropriate claim)
Organization Category
Membership Role Start Date
Membership Role End Date
Membership Status
Select A Status
By default, the results displayed will include active members only. Using the Status filter, you can choose to include inactive members, members with pending invitations, and members whose invitation to join was revoked by an administrator.
Exporting Results
To export your membership results, scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the Export button below the table. Here, you can export all of the results or you can select specific results to export.
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