The Event Attendees Reporting tab allows users to view a list of event attendees and export those results in a CSV spreadsheet! The results shown will depend on the level of access a user has. For example, an Organization Admin will only be able to view attendees for events hosted by their organization. Meanwhile, Campus Admins will be able to view attendance records for any organization.
If you do not see the attendee list for a specific organization or if you cannot see details such as ID numbers, please contact your Campus Administrator to request the necessary access.
Viewing The Attendees Tab
First, click on Events tab from the left navigation menu. At the top of the organization's page, click the tab labeled "Attendees".
The Attendees tab will show a list of all attendees from every event hosted by an organization the viewer has access to. By clicking on the cog icon below the filter button, you can adjust what columns are displayed!
Available Columns
The following columns of information are available to choose from. You can select or deselect what displays by clicking the cog icon.
ID Number (This requires the "View Student ID Numbers" access right.)
Event Name
Start Date/Time
End Date/Time
Host Organization
Event Tags
Host Organization Category
Filtering Results
You can filter the results displayed by clicking on the filter button. This will allow you to narrow the scope of your results based on the filter options pictured below.
Exporting Reports
To export a list of attendees, scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the Export button on the left side of the page, just below the attendee list. You can choose to export a complete list of results as a CSV spreadsheet or you can choose to select specific results to export.
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